DIY pressure brake bleeder


Pressure bleeding is fast, you can do it solo and it is the best way to get rid of air. It is simply the best way to bleed your brakes or change fluid.

This is a pressure bleeder you can make yourself from a standard garden spray canister. It used to be a hand pump here to build up pressure, but after some use the o-rings was dissolved by the brake fluid. Instead I made a steel plate with a Schrader valve from a bicycle tube and compressor air to pump it up. But you can of course just change o-rings. Use some that is solvent resistant.

Cut out a e.g. 4 mm steel plate to cover the master cylinder reservoir and glue a rubber seal on. Make another smaller plate to attach under the master, and use threaded rods to connect the two.

Before I start bleeding I remove old fluid from reservoir with a syringe and top it up again. Be careful not to remove to much to avoid air entering the system.

Attach the plate over the reservoir, fill up the canister with sufficient brake fluid and pump it up. A liter should be enough, but check your cars specs. Use 1 – 1.5 bar pressure. (20 psi) I attached a manometer to the canister to check pressure.

When changing all your brake fluid, start bleeding in the wheel farthest away from the master. Here you must bleed enough to empty the master, pipe and wheel cylinder. At least half a liter. Then move to the other wheels. Now you ca bleed less as only the fluid in the pipe and wheel cylinder has to replaced.

Watch the movie here:

More DIY here: technical-diy

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